Thanks everyone!

Residential / Commercial Development in the Colorado River corridor of Grand County, Utah (Moab)

Here you’ll find relevant details including an overview of the project, community concerns, public comments, news articles and ways to get involved.

Last update: Jan 28, 2023


Commission meeting recap:

Thank you to the hundreds of people who showed up in person or remotely to the County Commission meeting on Tuesday. Both the commission chambers and the hallway outside were packed, and many were tuned in online.

We sent a unified message to the developers and commissioners: this project is a net loss to the community. It will take more than it gives through the impacts to our recreation areas, our scenic landscape, our housing supply, our roads and community services, and our overall quality of life in Grand County. The Commission heard us.

What’s next?

What else can I do?

💡 Overview

The developers’ vision is to build a luxury neighborhood of 500 - 2,000 units in the scenic Colorado River corridor, which could increase the total number of residential units in the county by 11% - 37%. This project is in the Colorado River floodplain, so the ground elevation must be raised 10 feet.

There are also plans to develop 70,000 square feet (1.25 football fields) of commercial space in this same area. Speculations vary from a swanky glamping resort for Airstream-type trailers, to an up-scale strip-mall. Perhaps most concerning is the sewage treatment plant necessary for the new neighborhood that will be built next to the river.